Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Acanthoscurria geniculata - molted 8/19/11

Brachypelma emilia - molted 8/20/11

Avicularia amazonica - molted 8/21/11

Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!!

My family laughed at me this year. They found it amusing to see a girl open a gift bag from her husband and be thrilled to find three deli containers of spiders. And I was. My husband got me three Avicularia purpurea slings for my birthday, and I was a happy girl!! :)

I have three Cyriocosmus elegans slings right now that are miniscule, even compared to my new Avics, yet I feel so much more protective and concerned about these pretty blue spiders I just received. Perhaps it's just because I've heard Avic slings can be so delicate. But Chris' A. amazonicas have thrived. I'm hoping I fare as well with my own avics.

For now they are beautiful shades of light and dark blue. When they mature, they will be nearly black with an iridescent purple sheen. Gorgeous.

Like all Avicularia they require high humidity, but good ventilation to prevent mold. They are currently in small deli cups with large drilled holes in the top that are covered by screen. They are misted every couple of days. I'm going to watch the humidity levels, and will likely be adding holes to the sides of the containers soon for cross-ventilation. The spiders will eventually attain a size of about 5 inches.

~ B. Percha

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Female Aphonopelma bicoloratum molted during the night.... finally.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


And the other two GBB's molted only one day later. They're on a pretty tight schedule.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


First GBB molt - 7/24/11.

Hmmm... just realizing that now that we finally have a group of more than two of a species, may be a good idea to ID them with additional methods (as opposed to just male/female or bigger one/smaller one).

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A. geniculata - we're here to pump, YOU UP!

I don't know why, but from time to time I'll catch my A. geniculata with a mouthful of pebbles... or a pebble rather. She just carry it around for an hour or more before setting it down and going about her business.

The only explanation I can come up with is that the pebbles are in her water dish to keep to keep her dish shallow enough for her (though I'm sure she's big enough for them to be removed now that she's grown quite a bit). I may leave one or two in there for her though, as I'd hate to take away her favorite toy! Lol.

~ B. Percha

Monday, July 18, 2011

The GBB's Are Here! The GBB's Are Here!

We've been checking the local reptile show for GBB's (Green Bottle Blue Tarantulas - Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens) for MONTHS now. This past month we were out of town and wouldn't you know it - they finally show up. We got in touch with one of the dealers from the show and were able to meet him and pick up a few of the eight he had left.

They're just teeny slings now (1/2"), but are relatively quick growers attaining a maximum size of about 6". These are part of our developing breeding projects.

~ B. Percha